As leaders in Trail Life, our mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Participating in this training will provide you with training, tools, and resources to help you do that.
This training will adequately prepare you to plan, prepare, and implement a Trail Life campout. While it is geared for leaders of Adventurers and Navigators, the knowledge, skills, and abilities you learn will enhance any Troop Leader. Attendees will learn and/or refresh skills in – fire building, orienteering, backpacking, wood tools, and more… in order to be confident enough to teach them. The Peak 3 training campout will run like a model Trail Life campout using the “patrol method” from the very beginning until the end. Attendees will be put in patrols and function as a patrol for the duration of the campout.
The attendance cap will be 32. So please register early and advise if you have to back out to so we can open the slot for another to attend. Cost will be $40 per person. Information on what to bring, and camp schedule will be released shorty. We will also be sending out the link to accept your payment.
Here is an outline of the sections of the course:
Camp Planning & the Patrol Method
Check-In & Model Campsite
Fires & Fire Safety
Map & Compass
Flags & Ceremonies
Woods Tools
Knots & Lashings
Camp Games & Skills Competition
Campfire Program & Planning
Tread Lightly
Devotionals & Sunday Service
Breaking Bread
Breaking Camp & Policing the Area
Peaks & Valleys
Venue: First Baptist Church - Perryville, MD
Venue Website:
We are an independent, baptist church that partners with the Mid-Atlantic Network of Baptist Churches and also voluntarily cooperating with the 40,000 churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to take the good news of the gospel to a needy world.
We are not just a building with ministries. We’re people, just like you. We are not perfect, but we are looking for personal growth, meaningful opportunities to impact the world, and a church that lives like a family should. We invite you to visit and see for yourself.
2021-NER-P3-001 Peak Three
November 12, 2021 - November 14, 2021
5:00 pm - 10:30 am